Students work through the Montessori workshop by watching videos, creating brand new Montessori materials for a setting and having a go at activities to build an idea of the learning and development for children involved in the activities, includes clips and images for ideas, an engaging lesson! Has been delivered to childcare students, they created resources which were then used in a local toddler playgroup.
Tried and tested! Great fun.
Included; cootie catchers, snakes and ladders game, adapted versions to meet needs, blank templates, teachers guide, teachers answers.
These Cootie Catchers are a super fun revision tool. Including a cootie catcher with a range of questions to promote revision and knowledge of the healthy living Unit 9 in Btec level 2 health and social care. Contains pictures. Also another cootie catcher which has extra pictures added, this supports differentiation and provides extra prompts. Select to suit each individual student!
How to play; Once the cootie catcher is made, one player picks an image from healthy eating, water, running or sleeping, which ever they pick from these, the other player spells out, for example; H E A L T H Y E A T I N G, THEN IT WILL LAND SHOWING 4 OF THE 8 IMAGES;
These may be in the form of coloured circles/ shaped depending on the subject.
These are to represent a colour, for example there might be a PINK trainer and a PURPLE bed and Black berries etc.
The player then spells out the colour of the image.
This will land on 4 of the 8 images again, the player picks an image to open at this point.
The question is read out by the other player and an answer is attempted, it can be discussed in pairs if required as it all helps with exam revision.
This game is a super fun revision tool. Including a snakes and ladders game with a range of questions to promote revision and knowledge of the healthy living Unit 9 in Btec level 2 health and social care. Also another game which is the same with extra pictures added, this supports differentiation and provides extra prompts. Finally, a blank template is included to challenge students to research and produce their own game! Select to suit each individual student!
Students roll the dice, play the traditional way, answering questions to move up the ladder, moving down the snake if unsure but can revisit by playing again.
Btec, OCR, GCSE, A level health and social care, healthy living. External assessment/ exam.
All you need is a dice for each game.
Have fun!
50% saving! when buying as a bundle bumper pack!
This game is a super fun revision tool. Including a snakes and ladders game with a range of questions to promote revision and knowledge of the healthy living Unit 9 in Btec level 2 health and social care. Also another game which is the same with extra pictures added, this supports differentiation and provides extra prompts. Finally, a blank template is included to challenge students to research and produce their own game! Select to suit each individual student!
Students roll the dice, play the traditional way, answering questions to move up the ladder, moving down the snake if unsure but can revisit by playing again.
Btec, OCR, GCSE, A level health and social care, healthy living. External assessment/ exam.
All you need is a dice for each game.
Have fun!
Teaching about play, hands on experience for childcare/ early years students.
Students can try out the activities to support and start to promote learning how children play, the benefits and how they develop and learn skills. Students could write down how each activity develops personal, physical, social, emotional and social development.
Level 1/2 OCR J809 UNIT R059
Course Companion (21 PAGES)
Unit R059: Understand the development of a child from one to five years
The aim of this resource is to guide students through the core content of R059, providing them with in-depth information that covers all specification points. This resource aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills that will help them succeed in the course
The Course Companion for OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 Child Development, Unit R059: Understand the Development of a Child from One to Five Years by Faye Watts is an invaluable resource designed to empower students with comprehensive knowledge of child development fundamentals.
Organised systematically according to the OCR specification, this guide explores developmental norms—including physical, intellectual, and social progressions—while emphasising the significance of play as a dynamic vehicle for learning. Each chapter features engaging activities adaptable for various learning platforms, making it practical for classroom and home settings alike.
With clearly outlined objectives for planning and observing play activities, the companion not only equips students with theoretical insights but also practical strategies necessary for effective engagement and support of young children’s unique developmental journeys. Ideal for teachers, educators, parents, and aspiring childcare professionals, this course companion lays a strong foundation for understanding and fostering the growth of children during their most formative years.
For clarity and ease of use, the content of this course companion matches the order of the specification.
The content is structured as follows:
Chapter Subtopics
Topic area 1: Physical, intellectual and social developmental norms from one to five years
1 1.1 The expected development norms from one to five years
Topic area 2: Stages and types of play and how play benefits development
2 2.1 The stages of play
2.2 The types of play
2.3 How play benefits development
Topic area 3: Observe the development of a child aged one to five years
3 3.1 Observation and recording
Topic area 4: Plan and evaluate play activities for a child aged one to five years for a chosen area of development
4 4.1 Plan and evaluate play activities
Explore aspects of the UN Convention, particularly; The Right to Play
Evaluate how play can allow children to express themselves and feel free
Convey your thoughts about how children might feel if they could not play
Comprise a leaflet promoting play
Will support CACHE/ Btec/ HND/ Foundation degree/ BA Honours in childhood studies
To explore the importance of play and consider and evaluate types, stages and theorists, also relate self identity to children’s.
This can be used and adapted to suit the needs of your class.
Pick and choose either the whole plans or aspects to suit your specification. Ideal for CACHE, HND, BA Honours in childhood studies.
Caring for children, meeting needs, Maslows hierarchy, child dvelopment unit
A value for money bundle!
Check out the individual resources for further information.
An interactive, engaging game inspired by monopoly, perfect for many Health and social care/ childcare units- ideal for Level 2, unit 6 but would also fit in well to level 3. BTEC, CCLD, CHILD DEVELOPMENT, CACHE, AQA, DEGREE, EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDIES and more.
The hearts can be printed out numerous times and the property cards are to be printed out twice- once for each player to keep hold of if they buy a property and printed out together with the question card for each player to read out when it’s their turn.
Child Nutrition
Well being
Game rules
Aim of the game. Race your way around the
Nutritionopoly board as your favourite character.
Earn points by collecting Hearts, buying property and
answering questions. The player with the highest score wins.
Contents; Gameboard, 4 character pieces, 22 property
cards, 22 question cards with a Learning Point on.
Each player chooses a character and places on GO.
Each player starts the game with 6 hearts- 5 at 1 point and 1 worth 5 points, totaling 10 points.
On your go- roll the dice and move character forward, collecting any coins along the way but not the space where you start.
When you land on or pass GO, collect 2 tokens each time.
Properties- on your turn you can buy the property that you land on and charge rent for each person that lands on it. If you have a full set then charge double the rent.
For each property you land on, find the corresponding question card and complete to either earn extra points or allow other players to.
If you go to jail- either use your turns to roll a 6 before being released or pay 3 points to get out sooner
Play and the UN convention, mix and match activities.
Students can either take part in the activities or research how children might take part.
Then could make links to how the activities support the rights to play.
CACHE, BTEC, CHILDCARE, EARLY YEARS EDUCATOR, Childcare, learning and development.
Health and Social care, unit 2 care values matching game btec
Teacher tips;
This is a fun, engaging game, simply print out the pages, for each card, the ‘make a match’ writing is on one side and either a picture or writing on the other. Once printed out, fold in half and either glue or laminate.
Print out as many sets as you like to suit your students needs.
This game will develop their knowledge of care values.
An example game could be to
work out who has their matching
card, could also be played in other
Btec level 2, unit 2, Health and social care..
8 resources included! Big Bumper pack; fun and engaging games, revision and activities for units 2,6 and 9; Btec Health and social care level 2; healthy living, values.
Games such as snakes and ladders, chatter boxes, treasure hunt, booklet, matching game and more!
A massive 65% Saving!
Suitable for Health and social care and childcare CACHE and Btec qualifications.
(One child development game)
Mixture of fun and engaging games!
Child development matching game
Cootie catcher revision tools (H and S)
Snakes and ladders game(H and S)
Spot it to win it game (H and S)
Matching game (H and S)
71% Savings when purchased as a bundle!
This is a fun and engaging game to empower learners to explore the Care values for Btec Health and social care, Level 3- unit 2.
The aim of the game is for learners to have the most counters on the board of answers (this is the sheet with a table containing pictures and written statements.
Students do this by picking a card to read out loud in a group of two to three players.
The player to spot the answer, place their counter on it to ‘win’ that square.
There are sheets with questions on in addition to extend their knowledge and research skills to support their assignment and assess knowledge.
Have fun!
(There are counter templates that learners can cut out and colour, 15 each is required, or provide your own)
(To create the cards, print, cut and fold in half, laminate if required, print single sided!
Vitamins and Minerals cootie catcher
Support for;
Health and social care
Unit 6. The impact of nutrition on Health and Wellbeing.
Childcare units, nutrition units.
CACHE, OCR, Level 2.
This pack contains;
Teachers guide
Answer sheet for teachers
Cootie catcher to develop knowledge of vitamins, minerals, nutrition and identifying components of a balanced diet.
Template cootie catcher to make their own.
Food plate template.
Fun QR codes to encourage engagement and interactive learning.
These are booklets to support students when studying about children's speech and language- Understand how to support positive speech, language and communication development for children and young people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties
Full of engaging learning activities if you teach childcare/ early years. Contains work on theorists, play, investigation, UN Convention, child centred approach, routines and more.
This would be a great learning tool if you are studying towards a degree in childhood studies too!
This is a great resources containing a lesson plans and power points to accompany them. Including engaging activities, activities, links to theorists such as Maslow and Vygotsky.
Will support CACHE, Early childhood studies(Foundation degree/ HND/ Btec/ BA Honours.
This includes a power point, lesson plan and fact finder sheet. This help students to;
Engage in an information hunt activity about risk and challenge.
Recognise key information about risk and challenge and outline what has been recognised using your factsheet.
Compare and contrast the information that has been obtained.
Useful for childcare/ childhood qualifications including; Degrees, CACH, Btec and more.
Safe and protective environments for Babies and Young children
To demonstrate the process of hand washing for young children.
Convey the importance of hand washing for young children
Health and social care, childcare
A 7 page power point presentation about hand washing and a protective environment.